Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Now in the 17th Year of my Fantastic Life

Last Thursday, the 18th, was my birthday. I am only one year away from becoming an adult. That is kind of wired. Anyways, I had a great day filled with birthday wishes. On Friday, I had a party at my house with 12 of my friends. We had fun just hangin out. After a while, we decided to go to the church parking lot to play hide and go seek. By far the best time that I have ever had at church. It was intense! We went back to the house and sat around the fire pit for a while. We took some pictures by the fire that turned out really cool.

Also, I got the thing that I have been waiting for. My iPod touch arrived. In fact, this post is coming to you directly from my iPod. It is by far the best thing that I have ever got on my birthday.

Thanks everyone for wishing me a happy birthday on the 18th.


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